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Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello Monday V. 3

Hello Monday ... You went pretty easy on me today and I appreciate it! 93% on my exam and not even tired after getting only 3 hours of sleep.

Hello Wisconsin weather ... I continue to despise you. 60 degrees on Thanksgiving Day and then down to 20 degrees the next day? You suck. However, you do score points for snow not falling yet.

Hello my beautiful family ... You are ALL the best and I love you all so much. Thank you for all of the support and good times.

Hello Christmas season(!) ... I am so so overjoyed that you are here! Even more exciting is the fact that I already have gifts taken care of before December. Unheard of for me.

Hello nursing school ... I love you, but I am ready for another semester to be conquered and done with. One more semester until I take LPN boards!! Aaaah! 

Hello Packers ... Get your shit together. Period.

Hello Dancing With the Stars ... Thank you for starting out my week on a FABULOUS note by having all of my girls dancing together tonight!!! Freaking. Amazing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

My favorite holiday is here again! I absolutely adore Thanksgiving, even more than I love Christmas (which is a lot).  Every year I like to reflect on all of my many blessings that I am thankful for not only on Thanksgiving, but each and every day I wake up.

This year I am thankful ...

For God and Jesus and their presence in my life. They are so giving and generous and I am so blessed to have them both to turn to in times of trouble and need; I am never alone in life. I am so eternally grateful to God for all He has blessed me with, I can never ever say enough prayers of thanks. Lately I have felt so sad for people who do not believe in God (and/or a higher power), and it makes me trust even more in my faith and feel so thankful for my beliefs and my relationship with God. 

For my wonderful loving husband, who puts up with so much from me and continues loving me through all of my freak outs. He does so much for me and I am truly thankful for everything, and I try and remember to tell him that every day, and how much I love him. I am so lucky to have him to spend the rest of my life with.

That both of my parents are alive. My dad got hit by a car earlier this year and it scared the daylights out of me ... it made me appreciate even more how precious life is and how any day could be your last. It was the worst feeling in the world and I hope to not go through something like that again ever. My parents are everything to me. I love them so much, more than words can describe and it is because of them that I am the person I am today. Also for the rest of my family -- my siblings, grandparents, and extended family. My family is simply the best there is.

For my best friends, the ones who are with me through EVERYTHING, even over 1,000+ miles distance. I never ever have to worry that they will not be there for me, they prove it each and everyday. They are angels and I am so lucky they are in my life. Bianca Christa & Tracy Lynn, I love you so much and I miss you every single day.

For the people who continue to inspire me to be the best person I can be in EVERY aspect of life. Those who inspire me to practice the utmost integrity and honesty in everything I do, you all SHINE for me and thank you and I love you.

That I have a roof over my head, food to eat, heat in the winter, and every other basic need and also many unnecessary conveniences of life that we are so accustomed to and take for granted. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone<3

Friday, November 2, 2012


Dear Friday, you were so wonderful today. All I did all day was catch up on the most amazing show in the world, Revenge. Then I went to work and it was a semi-easy night. Dear weather, I'm not ready for it to be this cold so soon. Plan accordingly please. I most especially do not want snow at any time in the near future. Dear school, I love you this semester. Can you please never ever end? Dear work, you have been pretty good to me recently. Please continue this during my 12 hour shift tomorrow! Dear anonymous, you frustrate me and confuse me sometimes, but you inspire me and I love you anyways. Dear Lea Michele, thank you & your music for psyching me up for my midterm and contributing to my 100% :) Dear God, thank you so much for all the amazing people you have blessed me with in my life.

Real update soon!