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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Unexplained Hiatus

Sorry for the hiatus. I've had a nightmare of a week. Saturday night my bottom wisdom tooth started hurting, and by Sunday night it was unbearable. Monday I spent all day trying to get an appointment but no one had any openings, and also Monday I went to the doctor for a kidney stone, which luckily I passed by the end of the day. Today I got in at a clinic, but they told me the tooth is too infected and they can't remove it until the infection is under control (hopefully tomorrow or Friday). Luckily my boss is AMAZING and covered all of my shifts this week (6 days) so I don't have to worry about that, but this has been a terrible week. I am just hoping and praying I'll be better for when school begins next Thursday.  As soon as I'm feeling better I will be back :)


  1. I am praying for you, best friend <3 I'm sorry youre in so much pain

  2. Thanks bestie<3 It's out now so hopefully it will get better :)

  3. OUCH. I hope you are feeling much, much better now by now!!

  4. Thanks Shari, I'm almost all better :)
