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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July Happenings

I suppose it is about time I do an entry that is not related to gymnastics. This is my personal blog, after all. I will be starting a gymnastics blog soon! I'm very excited, I have so many ideas for posts but have neglected to post them here since this is supposed to be a personal blog.

Okay, so July has been flying by. I sprained my ankle walking out of work on July 1st. I ended up getting X-rays, wanting to make sure I didn't have any hairline fractures, but everything was fine. It is JUST finally beginning to get back to 100% this week.

My brother was home from Phoenix June 29-July 8 so I spent a LOT of time with my family. We went out to dinner a few times, did all of the July 4th activities, and went on a Brewery Tour in Milwaukee. It was a super fun week, and again it flew by.

My family (and brother's friend) at the Brewery Tour.

Me, my sister, and my daddy.

UGH. I look so bad in this my ankle was in so much pain.

Yesterday, Donaldo and I made a surprise dinner for my mom. Donaldo made guacamole, chicken and steak on the grill, and I made rice, chex mix, and caramel swirl brownies :) She was very surprised and we had a nice movie night. Tonight I went to dinner with my friend Melissa, whom I haven't seen since her wedding last October. She moved to Milwaukee recently so it's a lot harder to plan get togethers. We had a lot of fun though. Tomorrow I'm going to get my nails done with Beth, and we're going to hang out at her place for awhile then time with Donaldo at night .. then Thursday, Friday, & Sunday work. Saturday is Donaldo's cousins Quincenera .. its a huge party kinda like a wedding with no groom haha so hopefully that will be fun! Have a good weekend everyone! 9 days til Qualifications ahhh.

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