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Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Wishes

The Nectar Collective

So, it's Monday again!
Time to set my goals for the week.

Last week's goals:

Get my mom's birthday gifts and make her birthday special.

I did this :) I got my mom's gifts Wednesday and we went out on Friday to celebrate her birthday. It was so much fun! It was me, D, my sister and her boyfriend, my mom's best friend, and our old neighbors. We went out for drinks and then out to dinner, it was such a fun night!

Get my schedule into my planner for the rest of September and all of October.

I did this, good gosh though it's crazy!

Check off on IV Insertion and Central Line Dressing Change.

I got checked off on IV Insertion but unfortunately I think my class is going to be a week behind for the whole semester. Skills class needs to be at least an hour longer, there's no time for everyone to check off and also for her to lecture. So it's not a big deal, because we will all be behind.

Organize my bills and mail.

Yes, I did this. Paid all my bills for this month, threw out the garbage, made a save pile, and a shredder pile. 

Get started on folding laundry.

My one fail. Oh well, there's always next week.

This week's goals:
1. Fold laundry.
2. Start working on Tasha's gift.
3. Stay a week ahead in Pharm Apps.
4. Get my study guide set for tutoring.
5. Catch up on my DVR.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday!
I have to work this weekend, but I'm glad to have a break from school.

1. I am so so so beyond ecstatic for Sunday night TV!! 

I've been waiting for Revenge to come back since May and their insane finale, which contained about 10 cliffhangers (slight exaggeration). I literally screamed at the last scene! I cannot wait to see what is going to happen this season with a new writer and of course I can't wait to watch my girl for another season! I am so proud of her for how far she has come since I watched her on Everwood 11 years ago when she was virtually unknown. 

Luckily, I haven't had to wait as long to see what happens in Once Upon A Time. I just began watching the show about 2-3 weeks ago and I got through both seasons in 2 weeks! It is the most amazing show that I have seen since Revenge started and I am absolutely in LOVE with the entire cast! Especially the three leading ladies, Jen, Ginny, and LANA. Obsessed.

2. My mom's birthday is Sunday and tonight me, D, my sister and her boyfriend, my mom's best friend Lee, and our old neighbors are going out to celebrate. We're going to a bar near my sister's house for Happy Hour and then going to a nice restaurant for dinner. I haven't been out with all of these people together in a long time, so it will be a lot of fun!! I got her a gift certificate to the nail salon in our mall because she loves pedicures and also some Clinique Happy perfume and lotion.

3. I am lucky enough to be blessed with another AMAZING teacher this semester. I actually had her in the summer for CHA, but this semester I have her for my skills class and for clinical so I have gotten to interact with her a lot more. Honestly, if I didn't have her this semester, I don't know what I'd do. She is super relaxed and doesn't like drill us on information. When teachers do that in clinical it just makes me super nervous and then I can't think. If she knows that you know what you're doing she just asks general questions, observes, and lets you do it. It's so nice and actually overall I've been lucky with my clinical instructors with the exception of the horrible one I had this spring. It's great that I've had her for 3 classes now too, it really helps when you get to know their expectations and their teaching style.

4. New music I'm dying over!! 

Clearly!! Glee hasn't put out an album (minus the Christmas one last year) since last September, which has made me sad! I LOVE the Beatles, so I rushed right out to get this one!!! It's one of their best albums. My two favorites are Lea Michele's Yesterday -- I actually wish she would've performed it at the Emmys instead of Carrie, her version is just incredible and she puts her own Lea flair into it, and Naya Rivera and DEMI LOVATO's Here Comes the Sun. The harmonies in it are just perfection and I'm so excited about Demi joining the cast this season, I love her!!!

AAAH :) I feel like Christian artists put albums out so much more frequently than other genres do. Their last album came out less than 2 years ago! Then again, maybe it is because I love so many Christian artists that there is always someone due to have one come out. I love the Newsboys! They've been around for a long time and literally have probably over 15 albums, but I only have their last two albums and this one. So much positivity and reminders of our faith, but they have such a different sound to them too. I already love the entire album, but my absolute most favorite song is Go Glow<3 All three albums are some of my favorites of all time, and they are definitely in my top 3 of Christian artists in general.

5. Last, but CERTAINLY not least, it's 2013 World Championships time!! It is so crazy how time flies, I remember talking to one of my Gymternet friends after London about how far away these Worlds seemed, and they're here!!! Of course I am very psyched to watch Team USA dominate, but yesterday I had a complete freakout over my favorite Russian, Aliya Mustafina. She never stopped training after London, and has already won two AA medals since (as well as team and individual medals), at Universiade and the European Championships earlier this year. Then I find out that she has a new skill on bars and a new pass on FX (and a whole new FX routine) as well! This girl is just something else. If she wins the AA she will be a two time AA World Champion (winning previously in 2010). Of course, she has to contend with Simone Biles, Kyla Ross, Jao Yinnan, and Larisa Iordache, just to name a few.

Team USA: Kyla Ross, McKayla Maroney, Brenna Dowell, and Simone Biles.

Aliya Mustafina 

Have a great weekend :)

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekly Wishes

The Nectar Collective

Ughhh, it's Monday again.
Let's at least start the week off right with some goals for myself!

Last week's goals:

1. Pass my math exam in clinical this week.

No go. I missed by one question, but this math was HARD. Two other people also failed (meaning only 2 passed, there's only 5 people in my class), so I didn't feel as bad. My instructor told us not to worry, we're going to go over some of the problems this week and we will pass the next one.

2. Do two days of C25K.

Yeah, no. I don't think I'm going to be able to run until my schedule settles down a little. 
I literally have zero time for anything.

3. Start my week one assignments for Pharm Apps.

This I did do! Actually, I only have two more questions left to answer and I can then submit them online, and they're not even due until next Monday! I want to stay this ahead of the game the entire class, if possible!

4. Make a budget for our finances.

I did this too :) 

I also got another thing done that was not on my list. I really want to get Fall pictures of my husband and I taken, but my friend that usually does pictures for me is pregnant and due like any day now, so clearly I would not ask her. My mom works with someone who does photography as a side job and so I messaged her on Facebook to ask if she'd do it :)

This week's goals:

1. Get my mom's birthday gifts and make her birthday special. (Her birthday is Sunday)
2. Get my schedule in my planner for the rest of September and all of October.
3. Check off on my IV Insertion and Central Line Dressing Change skill with both skills lab staff and my instructor by the end of class Thursday.
4. Organize my bills and mail.
5. At least get a start on folding laundry.

Good luck to you all on your goals for the week!

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year


Fall is my absolute most favorite time of the year.
There is nothing like it in the whole world!!

I have a lot of fun things on my Fall bucket list, you can view it HERE.
Today I'm going to go through my planner and plan out a time for each activity.
If I didn't, with my schedule it'd never get done.

I celebrated a little early last night with my first Pumpkin Spice of the season!

It was so delicious! 
I enjoyed it because I probably won't have many more because there's a ton of calories in them.

Today I'm going to spend the day watching football!
What a wonderful first day of Fall :) Hope you all enjoy it too!

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Another Liebster Award :)

Alexia at infinitely indecisive nominated me for a Liebster Award :)
I've done these a couple times before, but I'm procrastinating on a full day of studying, so why not?

The rules are: 
We have to link the blogger(s) who nominated us in our post, and answer 10 questions they gave us. Then, we gotta nominate bloggers (those who have <200 followers) and make sure to tell them that we nominate them, and give them a new 10 questions.

Alexia's questions:

1. If you had to go back in time, what would you tell your 16 year old self?
Hmm, okay. I would definitely tell me to listen to my parents, because they really do know what they are talking about. I would also tell myself to work harder in school. (I did fine in high school, but I could have done a lot better). Lastly, I would tell myself to not worry what other people think of you (a lesson I didn't learn until several years later.

2. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
As of right now, probably my black sparkly Toms. However, I think my mom *may* be getting me purple Nike running shoes for my birthday, so that might change soon :)

3. If you could eat something for the rest of your life and never gain weight, what would it be?
Pasta, hands down. With alfredo sauce probably too. Wow I haven't had that since I quit Olive Garden.

4. Who is your celebrity girl crush?
I have QUITE a few. But my most recent include Lana Parrilla, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Jennifer Morrison from Once Upon a Time!!! They are all so fabulous and fierce, I just ADORE them!!!.

5. How do you envision yourself 10 years from now?
Working as an RN at a hospital and working on my Bachelor's degree or already have completed it. Two kids and living in a wonderful home in a nice neighborhood.

6. If you could perfectly pick up any talent or skill right at this moment, what would it be?
Gymnastics :) I had to quit when I was 8 years old because it was too expensive for my parents to keep sending me. I always wish I could have continued with it.

7. What is your favorite comfort food?
I'm on a weight loss journey, and I'm ecstatic to say that I don't really have one anymore! I used to stress eat like no other, but now I'm actually more of the opposite. Like if I have a bad day, I don't feel like eating at all! 

8. Who is your favorite TV show character?
Umm, omg. This is like the hardest question ever. Right now probably Emily Thorne on Revenge (obvi) or Regina on Once Upon a Time :)

9. Describe your perfect getaway.
Right now honestly it would just have to consist of being with my husband or family, out of my town somewhere, and away from nursing school! LOL.

10. If you could own any kind of dog/breed, what would it be?
I have a Bichon Frise right now and he's the third Bichon I've had. I don't think I would ever want another breed, I love them so much.

Five people I nominate:
1. Jenn @ what you make it
2. Bianca @ Like A Skyscraper
3. Angela @ Clutter Box
4. Charlotte @ Happy Running Acountant

My questions:

1. If you had to give up either TV or social media for a month, which would you choose and why?

2. If you could meet one of your favorite celebrities, which one would you choose?

3. What has been the most important lesson you have learned so far in life?

4. What is one memory you would like to relive?

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?

6. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

7. Have you ever traveled to another country? Which one?

8. When you have a night with nothing to do, do you prefer to go out or stay in?

9. What is your favorite sport to watch?

10. One of the most vivid dreams you have ever had?

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I may have finally met my match ...

Okay, I'm totally just venting out my frustrations right now so feel free to bypass this post at any time.

I'm having a love/hate relationship with third semester so far.

I LOVE that I am learning so many important new things. I love that I feel like an actual nurse now. I love that I know how labs and medications tie into the patients diagnoses and why. I love that I feel comfortable in the hospital setting and that I am never nervous before the start of a clinical day. I love every one of my classes and all of the people and teachers in my program. I love that I will be a nurse someday (hopefully) and be able to make a difference in people's lives.

I HATE that I failed my math test today. I hate that I am supposed to study all night long for various classes and now all I feel like doing is crying. I love being a perfectionist most of the time, but I hate it at times like these. I hate that every fail (no matter how much it is by or how minor the significance) just tears me apart. I hate when people tell me, "Don't beat yourself up about it," even though I know they're right. I hate that I'm putting in so much time studying only to be terrified to fail something else. I hate that I chose this time in my busy life to be responsible about my eating and my PKU diet and that I have to count both calories and Phe in everything I eat every single day, yet then get an email from my dietician saying I'm eating too few calories and my Phe levels are still not where they should be because of it.

Okay, I feel a tiny bit better now. I'm seriously just so overwhelmed right now. 

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Wishes

Let me just preface this by saying I massively failed at all of my goals last week :(

Okay, so last week my goals were:

1. Pass my math exam in Clinical on Tuesday.
We did have a pre-exam on Tuesday which I got every question right on. Our real exam was supposed to be Wednesday, but we ran out of time. So I will try and carry this goal over to next week.

2. Do well on my first Mental Health quiz.
The most disappointing of my failures, I failed my quiz. :( I have not done that badly on a test in possibly my whole life (I got a 76% and and below an 80% is failing in my program). I am feeling a little better about it now, since no one did great on it and also I think I just over thought a lot of the questions. I made an appointment with my instructor to go over it and I am going to study even harder for the next one. I know I can do this, I will be okay!

3. Do three days of C25K this week.
Due to inclement weather like the entire week and then working on the weekend, I ran a big fat ZERO times. :( I also have no time between school, work, and studying.

4. Make an official budget for our finances.
No time. Period. 

Since I did so badly this week, I'm going to try and make my goals more realistic with my schedule.

This week's goals:

1. Pass my math exam in clinical this week (20 questions, have to get a 90% to pass).
2. Do two days of C25K.
3. Make a budget for our finances.
4. Start my week 1 assignments for Pharm Apps. (My online class that begins 9/23. I want to get a head start on the assignments, because there are a lot of them).

I hope everyone has a great week and had more luck last week than I did!

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blogtember -- September 10th-13th

September 10th -- Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.

My life changed completely in 2009 when I decided to go back to school. I did two years of college majoring in education and then decided to take some time off. Once I decided to go back, I knew that Nursing was what I really wanted to do. I waited until I was ready, until I knew that I'd be able to give school 100% of my attention and dedication. I had turned down avenues to promotion at Olive Garden several times so that I would be able to go back to school. Since that moment I walked into my first class (Advanced A&P) in 2009, I have given everything I have into my classes. Every assignment, every clinical, every exam; there has never been a time where I didn't give my highest effort. I am so happy that I put all of that work in, because if I didn't I would still be working at a restaurant probably forever and I definitely would not be as happy as I am today or will be in the future.

September 11th 

I am skipping September 11th, because it is about sharing your favorite shops online and I hardly ever shop online. The only site I shop from is mainly Amazon.

September 12th -- Discuss ways blogging and social media has changed you.

I don't know if I would say it has changed me significantly as a person, but I definitely think it has changed the world. I love the fact that social media (especially Twitter) allows me to keep up with my favorite gymnasts and what is going on in the gymnastics world, since gymnastics meets are so few and far between. It's been amazing tweeting with some of my favorite gymnasts, especially Tasha Schwikert, who I interact with on Twitter and Instagram all the time. I feel so lucky to have that opportunity, and of course am so grateful for those wonderful celebrities/athletes that respond to their fans. I also love being able to keep in closer contact with those people in my life who I am close with but don't get to see on a daily basis and who live far away.

September 13th -- A self portrait.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Five on Friday

I'm so happy it's Friday!!

ONE. I got to start an IV at clinical on Wednesday!! Well, I got to try anyway. The first time I got in the vein perfectly, but when I flushed it, it infiltrated. The second time I was going in where three veins kind of crossed and so it didn't work. My teacher said that I did everything right, but that the patient was dehydrated and sometimes when that happens it can collapse the vein. The RN who tried twice after me couldn't get it either, so that made me feel better :) It was just awesome to get to try on a real person. Clinical in general is just amazing this semester; my job in a hospital has made me so much more comfortable in dealing with patients and just being in the hospital setting. I definitely feel now that it is where I belong.

TWO. As if I don't have enough shows during the year, I started watching the first two seasons of Once Upon a Time on Netflix last week. It is such a great show!! I love every single person in the cast and it is just such a neat idea for a show, it reminds me of Lost, which I absolutely loved. I'm only on Season 1 Episode 10 now, but I hope that I can finish the first two seasons by the time the Season 3 premiere airs, I think it's the same night as Revenge -- September 29.

THREE. I sent Katie Rose Clarke fanmail this week! I'd been wanting to send her a letter for awhile, but I didn't know where to send it. So I asked her on Twitter and she tweeted the address to send it to. I sent two pictures and asked her to sign them. I can't wait for her to get it and see if she sends them back.

FOUR. Tonight is date night with my hubby :) We got a gift certificate for our anniversary to a restaurant we both love and we're going to use my movie passes I got from work to do dinner and a movie. It's been awhile since we've had a real date night so I'm looking forward to it!! 

FIVE. I went to the Bath and Body Works outlet on Monday and invested in some wonderful Fall purchases!! I honestly could have bought everything in the Fall collection. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

NYC Vacation: Day 4 and 9/11 Tribute

So I have not done my Day 3 post yet for my vacation, but since today is September 11th, I decided it would be more fitting to do my Day 4 post today.

The last day of our vacation we went to the 9/11 Memorial and the Ground Zero Museum Workshop. First we went to the GZMW. This is not the museum that is right by the memorial, that museum will not be completed until Spring 2014. I didn't know what to expect with this museum, especially when I saw it was literally 1 room. They had to limit the tour to only 25 people because the room was small. I could not have imagined how amazing the place actually was. I recommend it to anyone who will be in NYC at some point.

Obviously, I have always thought 9/11 was a terribly tragic day for the victims and the victims' families. I have to say though, I never truly felt CONNECTED to what happened and to all of these people and their stories until I visited that museum. This museum was just incredible. They had artifacts all over the room numbered 1-110. You each got your own headset with a number pad, and you made your way around the room and as you got to the artifact/picture/etc, you punched in its number and the creator of the museum, Gary Suson, told you a whole story behind it. Suson was the official photographer at Ground Zero during the recovery, which went on until June of 2002.

The stories were just unbelievable and it was so emotional for me. We spent 2 and a half hours in there, looking over everything and listening to everything about it. I was very surprised that we were mainly the only 4 out of 25 people that stayed that long. Many people were not American, and I don't know if that is why they didn't spend as much time, but for us it was just incredible and emotional. I will never ever think of 9/11 in the same way. I was just not attached to it in the same way before, and now I feel so much more empathy for all of those victims and families than I could have ever imagined before.

The subway station turnstiles underneath the WTC.

One of the only computer pieces found at Ground Zero.

Crosses and Stars of David were carved out of the beams of the Towers
and given to the victims' families.

Random items found from the observatory at the top of the Towers.

A clock found in the subway tunnel underneath WTC, stuck at 10:02, when
the power went out in much of Manhattan due to the South Tower's collapse.

Also found in the subway station under the WTC.

Some of the very few pieces of window glass from the Towers. They did not find much.


Other side of the GZMW it was legit one small room.

Afterwards, we went down to the 9/11 Memorial. Being around Ground Zero was a lot different than it was my last few times in NYC. The Freedom Tower is honestly just magnificent. It is just the coolest building in the world, and we thought it was so awesome when they told us it stands 1,776 feet tall. (1776 -- get it?) We took about 50 pictures of it from all different angles. The memorial itself was amazing. I just could not believe that I was standing where all of this happened and that once the Twin Towers stood there. (I never saw the Twin Towers on any of my visits to NYC; my first time there was in 2006). We also kind of peeked inside the unfinished museum.

The South Pool.

The Memorial puts flowers by the victims' names on their birthdays.

Beautiful Freedom Tower.

WePeople looking inside of the museum.

We think that rusted beam is from the towers.

In front of the Survivor tree.

The hoodie I got at the gift show. I love it.

After the Memorial, we went to a pub across the street for our last meal in NYC. It was actually the best meal we had there I think. It was amazing!! After that we went back to our hotel, because we planned on leaving for home at midnight and we had to pack up. The last day was amazing.

I will never view 9/11 in the same way again. When I got up today, I said a prayer for everyone involved. Again, I've always done this, but now it just seems so much more real to me. Also, I have 9/11 specials on TV (19 of them) set on my DVR. I will be thinking of this tragedy throughout everything I do during the day, no matter what I'm doing. My hearts are with anyone involved in 9/11 and I pray that they find peace, even though we will never forget.

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