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Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Wishes

The Nectar Collective

So, it's Monday again!
Time to set my goals for the week.

Last week's goals:

Get my mom's birthday gifts and make her birthday special.

I did this :) I got my mom's gifts Wednesday and we went out on Friday to celebrate her birthday. It was so much fun! It was me, D, my sister and her boyfriend, my mom's best friend, and our old neighbors. We went out for drinks and then out to dinner, it was such a fun night!

Get my schedule into my planner for the rest of September and all of October.

I did this, good gosh though it's crazy!

Check off on IV Insertion and Central Line Dressing Change.

I got checked off on IV Insertion but unfortunately I think my class is going to be a week behind for the whole semester. Skills class needs to be at least an hour longer, there's no time for everyone to check off and also for her to lecture. So it's not a big deal, because we will all be behind.

Organize my bills and mail.

Yes, I did this. Paid all my bills for this month, threw out the garbage, made a save pile, and a shredder pile. 

Get started on folding laundry.

My one fail. Oh well, there's always next week.

This week's goals:
1. Fold laundry.
2. Start working on Tasha's gift.
3. Stay a week ahead in Pharm Apps.
4. Get my study guide set for tutoring.
5. Catch up on my DVR.

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  1. Sounds like you did awesome last week! Hope you do just as well or even better with this week's goals. Good luck!

    - Lix | A Classic Notion

  2. Good job on all of your goals with your busy schedule! It always makes me feel so good when all my laundry and clothes are put away though. I hateeee laundry as we both know and you do too lol

    1. OMG Laundry is so evil!! I have to work on it this week though, I really do!

      I have the weekend off so I should have plenty of time.

      Thanks dear :)

  3. Good job getting all you did done last week! Maybe you can catch up on DVR while folding laundry? :) works like a charm!

    1. That's actually what I just did! I got it done already yay!

      Thank you!
