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Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Wishes

Let me just preface this by saying I massively failed at all of my goals last week :(

Okay, so last week my goals were:

1. Pass my math exam in Clinical on Tuesday.
We did have a pre-exam on Tuesday which I got every question right on. Our real exam was supposed to be Wednesday, but we ran out of time. So I will try and carry this goal over to next week.

2. Do well on my first Mental Health quiz.
The most disappointing of my failures, I failed my quiz. :( I have not done that badly on a test in possibly my whole life (I got a 76% and and below an 80% is failing in my program). I am feeling a little better about it now, since no one did great on it and also I think I just over thought a lot of the questions. I made an appointment with my instructor to go over it and I am going to study even harder for the next one. I know I can do this, I will be okay!

3. Do three days of C25K this week.
Due to inclement weather like the entire week and then working on the weekend, I ran a big fat ZERO times. :( I also have no time between school, work, and studying.

4. Make an official budget for our finances.
No time. Period. 

Since I did so badly this week, I'm going to try and make my goals more realistic with my schedule.

This week's goals:

1. Pass my math exam in clinical this week (20 questions, have to get a 90% to pass).
2. Do two days of C25K.
3. Make a budget for our finances.
4. Start my week 1 assignments for Pharm Apps. (My online class that begins 9/23. I want to get a head start on the assignments, because there are a lot of them).

I hope everyone has a great week and had more luck last week than I did!

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  1. Girl You got this!!
    Exams can be stressful but it sounds like you got it in the bag.

    New Follower & New Participant in Weekly Wishes

    1. Thanks :)

      Yes I'm trying to just remember its only one exam and doesn't count that much!!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. You can do this! I know that school can be rough sometimes. Let's face it, school is hard, especially what you are studying! But you will be fine! Plus, when it is the beginning of the semester, people tend to not do as well anyway because they are still figuring out the expectations of their teachers. Things will pick up :)

    Good luck this week!

    xoxo Jess
    Foreign Room

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement!!! It really helps!!

      Yes, I just emailed my instructor again about meeting, I hope that will help. I have an assignment due this week, hopefully I will get full points and it will make me feel a little better.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I know what you mean with the no time thing :c School is starting up for me soon and I'm gonna be SOOO busy. And good luck on your exams!!
