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Thursday, September 5, 2013

NYC Vacation: Day 1

I'm going to be doing 4 posts about my vacation, 1 for each day. I'll post them randomly, just whenever I get the time to write them up! I hope you enjoy reading them!

The first day we went to the city pretty early, because we scheduled a NBC Studios tour for 10:00. Each morning we took pictures at the train station :) Apparently, One Direction had performed on the Today show that morning, and luckily we missed all the chaos from that! My mom and aunt were super excited to be in the city.

 D and I waiting for the train.

The NBC Studios where we had our tour.

The NBC Studios tour was pretty cool! We saw the set of the news and also the Saturday Night Live set. They showed us how they did a bunch of different things with the camera and lots of other neat things. After the tour we went to the Empire State Building. Personally, I prefer the Top of the Rock's observatory deck, but my mom and my aunt definitely wanted to go just to go there and be inside, which I totally understood.

[[SIDE NOTE: I noticed that there were more people in NYC than there have EVER been at anytime I've been there, probably by about 2-3 times. It was kind of annoying for some of the things we did. Donaldo and I were there the SAME WEEK in 2013 and there honestly were not half as many tourists.]]

So the observation deck was super crowded but we still got a few pretty good shots, as you can see above!

After the ESB, we mainly wandered around Times Square and then had some drinks at a bar called Social's. It was really nice, I loved it. After that we went to see if we could get Wicked lottery tickets but we didn't win. Then we walked around some more and went back to our hotel and ordered dinner.

This was the best place we went for drinks!

Times Square :)

Me and D in Times Square.

At Social's!

My mom and my aunt and me :)

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