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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blogtember -- September 5

Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

This is advice that my mentor, Paula, has ingrained in my brain over the last year.

Paula was my instructor for two of my nursing classes last year, and since she has supported me beyond my semester in her classes. She is always there for me to ask questions to, share good news with, and to also calm me down when I'm freaking out about whatever class for whatever reason. Whenever I come to her with good news, she always says, "Hard work pays off."

I'm now starting to realize this applies to all areas of life. Most recently, I've seen it during my weight loss journey! I never ever thought I'd be where I am right now, but I'm working hard and it is paying off. Same is true with school and my job. If you put in the time, work, and effort, your possibilities in life are virtually endless!

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