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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Another Liebster Award :)

Alexia at infinitely indecisive nominated me for a Liebster Award :)
I've done these a couple times before, but I'm procrastinating on a full day of studying, so why not?

The rules are: 
We have to link the blogger(s) who nominated us in our post, and answer 10 questions they gave us. Then, we gotta nominate bloggers (those who have <200 followers) and make sure to tell them that we nominate them, and give them a new 10 questions.

Alexia's questions:

1. If you had to go back in time, what would you tell your 16 year old self?
Hmm, okay. I would definitely tell me to listen to my parents, because they really do know what they are talking about. I would also tell myself to work harder in school. (I did fine in high school, but I could have done a lot better). Lastly, I would tell myself to not worry what other people think of you (a lesson I didn't learn until several years later.

2. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
As of right now, probably my black sparkly Toms. However, I think my mom *may* be getting me purple Nike running shoes for my birthday, so that might change soon :)

3. If you could eat something for the rest of your life and never gain weight, what would it be?
Pasta, hands down. With alfredo sauce probably too. Wow I haven't had that since I quit Olive Garden.

4. Who is your celebrity girl crush?
I have QUITE a few. But my most recent include Lana Parrilla, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Jennifer Morrison from Once Upon a Time!!! They are all so fabulous and fierce, I just ADORE them!!!.

5. How do you envision yourself 10 years from now?
Working as an RN at a hospital and working on my Bachelor's degree or already have completed it. Two kids and living in a wonderful home in a nice neighborhood.

6. If you could perfectly pick up any talent or skill right at this moment, what would it be?
Gymnastics :) I had to quit when I was 8 years old because it was too expensive for my parents to keep sending me. I always wish I could have continued with it.

7. What is your favorite comfort food?
I'm on a weight loss journey, and I'm ecstatic to say that I don't really have one anymore! I used to stress eat like no other, but now I'm actually more of the opposite. Like if I have a bad day, I don't feel like eating at all! 

8. Who is your favorite TV show character?
Umm, omg. This is like the hardest question ever. Right now probably Emily Thorne on Revenge (obvi) or Regina on Once Upon a Time :)

9. Describe your perfect getaway.
Right now honestly it would just have to consist of being with my husband or family, out of my town somewhere, and away from nursing school! LOL.

10. If you could own any kind of dog/breed, what would it be?
I have a Bichon Frise right now and he's the third Bichon I've had. I don't think I would ever want another breed, I love them so much.

Five people I nominate:
1. Jenn @ what you make it
2. Bianca @ Like A Skyscraper
3. Angela @ Clutter Box
4. Charlotte @ Happy Running Acountant

My questions:

1. If you had to give up either TV or social media for a month, which would you choose and why?

2. If you could meet one of your favorite celebrities, which one would you choose?

3. What has been the most important lesson you have learned so far in life?

4. What is one memory you would like to relive?

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?

6. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

7. Have you ever traveled to another country? Which one?

8. When you have a night with nothing to do, do you prefer to go out or stay in?

9. What is your favorite sport to watch?

10. One of the most vivid dreams you have ever had?

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  1. Thanks! Glad I got to know you a bit more!

    And aww Bichons are so great! My dog is related to a Bichon, but her breed is called Havanese. And yay for not being tempted to eat when your down! I still gotta work on that myself!

    1. I love Bichons :)

      Don't worry you will get there and then you'll wonder how you ever used to stress eat at all!
