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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blogtember -- September 10th-13th

September 10th -- Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.

My life changed completely in 2009 when I decided to go back to school. I did two years of college majoring in education and then decided to take some time off. Once I decided to go back, I knew that Nursing was what I really wanted to do. I waited until I was ready, until I knew that I'd be able to give school 100% of my attention and dedication. I had turned down avenues to promotion at Olive Garden several times so that I would be able to go back to school. Since that moment I walked into my first class (Advanced A&P) in 2009, I have given everything I have into my classes. Every assignment, every clinical, every exam; there has never been a time where I didn't give my highest effort. I am so happy that I put all of that work in, because if I didn't I would still be working at a restaurant probably forever and I definitely would not be as happy as I am today or will be in the future.

September 11th 

I am skipping September 11th, because it is about sharing your favorite shops online and I hardly ever shop online. The only site I shop from is mainly Amazon.

September 12th -- Discuss ways blogging and social media has changed you.

I don't know if I would say it has changed me significantly as a person, but I definitely think it has changed the world. I love the fact that social media (especially Twitter) allows me to keep up with my favorite gymnasts and what is going on in the gymnastics world, since gymnastics meets are so few and far between. It's been amazing tweeting with some of my favorite gymnasts, especially Tasha Schwikert, who I interact with on Twitter and Instagram all the time. I feel so lucky to have that opportunity, and of course am so grateful for those wonderful celebrities/athletes that respond to their fans. I also love being able to keep in closer contact with those people in my life who I am close with but don't get to see on a daily basis and who live far away.

September 13th -- A self portrait.

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1 comment:

  1. I wish to someday feel like you do about nursing for something I'm passionate about :) and I totally agree with you about twitter! I used to feel so skeptical about it, but it's just nice hearing little updates from people who are out of your personal reach
