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Monday, January 27, 2014

Motivational Monday

Good morning everyone! 
Another Monday is here, and I'm going to try and remember this ^^

This week's quote:

I lift my hands and pray, cause life is tough some days. But I will not lose faith, cause You will lead the way. You're my light when it gets dark. You're always in my heart. You're my brightest morning star.  --Britney Spears

These are lyrics from "Brightest Morning Star", a song off of Britney's latest album. She wrote every song on the album and she said that this song was one that she wrote about God. This was honestly the perfect reminder that I needed after a rough week last week that God is ALWAYS there for me and that no matter what happens, He will always lead me to where I'm meant to go and He will always be with me. (To end my week on a bright note last week I did pass my math test in clinical!! So only one more math test left in my entire ADN career! AMAZING.)

This week's goals:
Pass my CHA 2 test.
Keep up with my Management units even though we don't have a test this week.
Work on my presentation for CHA 2 for next week with Tessa and finish it.
Try and start on the paper that accompanies it if there is time.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

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Friday, January 24, 2014

My One Word and my blog of the week

I'm sad that I missed my Motivational Monday post this week, I really could've used it. 

It was a long week. I had my first two exams this week and I also had training for my job for 8 hours a day for 3 days. I got a 78% on my CHA 2 test (which is failing) and an 88% on my Management test. I was very distraught obviously, but I know that once this training for work is over I will have so much more time to study. Plus, I didn't go with my first answer and my instinct so it was my own fault. Hopefully I can do better next week.

It only took me until the end of January, but I FINALLY decided on my One Word for 2014. Last year, my word was FOCUS. I wanted to focus in order to bring myself to where I am in life at this moment, and I definitely was successful at that! Now I need to step it up and accomplish even MORE. So, my word for 2014 is ...

noun: diligence
  1. 1.
    careful and persistent work or effort.
    synonyms:conscientiousness, assiduousness, assiduity, hard work, application,concentrationeffortcare, industriousness, rigor, meticulousness,thoroughness; More

I will work diligently to accomplish all of my goals for this year, mainly graduating in May, passing the NCLEX (boards), and getting a job as an RN. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

One Week Down, 10 To Go!!

I made it through my first week of 4th semester! It was not without it's hardships though. I have exams in both of my theory classes every single week. One of these classes is the same rigor as the class that I took this summer (CHA). It is CHA 2, the second half of it. I studied for CHA 40 hours a week this summer. This semester I have CHA 2, plus 2 other classes. So clearly, I will have to figure out how to maximize my studying time because I will not be able to devote 40 hours a week to that one class. My other class is Management, and I am nervous for this one because it is similar to Mental Health in that there are a lot of gray areas with the material. I also have 2 presentations already assigned for both theory classes and 2 projects for Clinical. My clinical is 12 hours every Saturday. This semester is just going to be insanity all the way through. It is also going to fly.

Friday I had my first day at my new job and I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!! The whole staff there is just INCREDIBLE, they all were so welcoming and I did not even feel like I was new to the team. My preceptor is AMAZING, I already love her!! And of course the work is just so fun and interesting it doesn't even seem like work to me!! I was in L&D on Friday and we took care of a woman in labor all day and I was in the room for the birth! I've seen a birth before in clinical but to actually get to help (with the labor, not the delivery quite yet) and feel like a nurse rather than a student is just awesome!! My preceptor told me she is going to teach me EVERYTHING. The day flew by so fast and I didn't even want to leave at 3:30 I wished I could stay and finish off my preceptor's 12 with her! 

Not quite sure how much I will be able to blog this semester, but I'm going to try my best!
Have a great weekend!

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday! 

Today was a great day! I had orientation for my new job and it went great! 
Friday I have orientation to my floor. I will meet my preceptor and get to know my OB unit. Can't wait!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. 
-- Joshua 1:9

I chose this quote this week for a specific reason. I start my last semester of nursing school on Wednesday and I am getting a little nervous. One of my friends who graduated this past semester sent this to me and told me that this is what got her through and she was passing it along to me. I am going to draw strength from it all semester long.

Last week's goals
  1. Finish Promotions Review.
  2. Listen to CHA 2 week 1 lectures.
  3. Finish updating my gymnastics blog.
  4. Buy school supplies/get ready to go back next week.
This week's goals
  1. Finish my 13 CHA concept maps.
  2. Read for management & print all PowerPoints.
  3. Get online forms for Aurora completed.
  4. Plan a study schedule for the next two weeks.
Hope everyone had a great Monday!

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Five On Friday!

Happy Friday :)
The last weekend before my life resembles insanity again.

1. Celeb love at the People's Choice Awards.
I was overjoyed at the amount of awards many of my favorites won on Wednesday. Sandra Bullock basically monopolized the entire show! She won for Favorite Actress, Favorite Drama Actress, Favorite Comedic Actress, and her and George Clooney won for Best Duo in Gravity. Gravity and The Heat also won Best Drama and Best Comedy films! I seriously love Sandra so much and I have forever. I am hoping she takes home the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Actress as well. Also, Britney won for Favorite Pop Artist! She was so adorable, I can't even.

2. I start my last semester of Nursing school in 5 days!! 
I am now getting a bit nervous to begin and I just know that this semester is going to make my other semesters look like a cakewalk. Especially with all of my training set up for my new job (see #3), it is going to be completely NON-STOP. I've already started working ahead in CHA 2 to get as much done as I possibly can early. I know that I can do this though, and I'm excited to show myself that I can!

3. I start my job in OB on Monday!! 
I am so excited to finally begin, as my first interview was almost 2 months ago! They didn't have any orientations set up before Christmas by the time I got the offer and this is the first one after. I have an all day orientation on Monday and then on Friday I'm going to have the first day on my floor. I will meet my preceptor and get orientation to the unit. The next 2 weeks gets insane. Tues-Thur for the 2 weeks after I have computer training and nursing training 45 minutes away. I also have class Wednesday and Thursday. My manager is SO accommodating, she said just leave whenever I need to to get to class, but I will miss a CHA 2 study group run by our instructors on Tuesdays. I'm hoping my instructor will allow someone to record them. Honestly though, I don't care how crazy it gets I am SO BLESSED with this opportunity and I am SO EXCITED to begin my future career!!

4. Scholarship
The 2,000 dollar scholarship that I was talking about in one of my earlier posts worked out and I was refunded the money that I paid out of pocket for my classes! I am so proud and I honestly never thought I would win one when I applied. I am going to an Award Ceremony on Tuesday for all of the recipients of the scholarships! 

5. Shopping!
Today I am going shopping for some new scrubs because at my old job we had to wear one color and I found out that at my new job we can wear any scrubs we want so I finally get to wear the cute colors and patterns like my mom does! Also, my friend Tessa and I are going shopping tomorrow for sweats, yoga pants, and boots, which will be our sole lazy-comfortable wardrobe for our final semester :) Definitely hitting up Victoria's Secret!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Motivational Monday

Along with most people, I do not like Mondays.

They used to not bother me so much, in fact, I used to love them when I was in the restaurant business and working all weekend every weekend. But since becoming a semi-normal person, getting every other weekend off, Mondays have become a drag to me as well. I decided every Monday I want to find a motivational quote or saying to get me through the day and then the week. I also want to have an idea of goals to accomplish for the week. A lot of my goals for 2014 are very broad, but accomplishing them will require constant monitoring to make sure that I am working towards them daily and weekly.

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

Goals for this week:
  1. Finish Promotions Review.
  2. Listen to CHA 2 week 1 lectures.
  3. Finish updating my gymnastics blog.
  4. Buy school supplies/get ready to go back next week.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

My 2014 Mantra

I recently bought Demi Lovato's book called Staying Strong 365 Days A Year.
It took a lot of restraint but I decided to wait until January 1st to start it, since there is a quote, goal, and lesson for each day of the year. I love it already.

I loved everything about this so I thought a little bit and came up with mine.

"For I know the plans I have for you ... To give you a hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 
This is my mantra for 2014. I will always remember that I am living out God's plan for me every day.

I especially want to remember this whenever I get frustrated in my last semester of school. I know that it is not going to be easy by any means, but I'm going to do everything I have to and draw on strength from the Lord to make it through!

I think I forgot to show my EC planner for 2014.
Here it is!



I think it the top pics look dark because of the lighting when I took the pictures LOL, they don't really look like that. I love love it and I've begun filling it out because I have a ton planned for January alone.

I also forgot to include one of my goals for 2014 -- to complete a Project 365. I started one in 2013 but never finished it. You can find the current one RIGHT HERE.

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