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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pinterest Love

Sharing some of my favorite pins of the week :)


My baby Kyla is gorgeous and so is this leo.

This is so cute :)

I want this!!

HAHAHA. So so so true.

In my top 5 Bible quotes of all time<3

I've been re-watching my Full House DVDs.
This is so precious & I love how I know what eppy the top pic is from.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fun Facts

I saw this on Letters and Lattes and decided to do it. 
I hope I can think of enough interesting things about myself to share.
I absolutely love school.
I don't know why, but I love going to classes and most especially studying and making study guides. I make my own on the computer and then always fill them in in pencil with ridiculously long amounts of information. My big thing used to be flashcards. I'd go through probably 1,000 a semester, but now I'm more about PowerPoints and my study guides.
When I sit on furniture, I fall/flop onto it.
It drives my parents crazy, it really does. I don't really know why and I wasn't aware I did it until they pointed it out.

Singing is my life.
I sang my first song when I was 2 years old. My Nana taped it. She constantly let me watch Annie and The Sound of Music when I came over. I was in every choir from middle school to high school and our concerts were my favorite. We sang One Day More from Les Mis when I was a junior and our choir director cried. It's everything to me!
I'm a perfectionist.
This mainly pertains to school. I honestly admit that I am disappointed in myself if I get less than an A. I know that is bad, but I can't help it, that's just me.
I'm pretty anal when it comes to organization.
My planner is one of my best friends. I cannot stand messes/messiness. I can't understand when people can't pick up after themselves. At work, my station always has to be clean and I have a method for everything I do and I can't stand when people mess with it. All of my money must be faced. At all times.
I own a ridiculous amount of purple.
I'd say at least 50% of my wardrobe is purple. My phone case, computer cover and case, phone charger, Nook case, backpack, purse (multiple). It's the most beautiful color in the world, I love it!
I love (most) Reality TV.
Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, X Factor, American Idol, The Biggest Loser. However, NOT A FAN (in fact, I despise) MTV reality shows, and all that Honey Boo Boo stuff. I watched one episode and was like ... REALLY?

I re-watch the same TV shows on DVD constantly.
Mostly Everwood, The OC, 7th Heaven, Full House, Gilmore Girls, and MIOBI. I will never ever EVER get tired of them.
I love to journal.
I have tons of journals that I've written throughout my lifetime and I do re-read them every so often.
I currently am writing in two separate ones.
I'm awful at sports. ALL sports.
The only exception is that I was an amazing cheerleader :)
Hope you all had a great Tuesday<3

Monday, January 21, 2013

Life Update

This month is already flying by so fast! Last Monday I started my Spring semester. I have two classes and they are both on Mondays. I am at school/hospital from 12:05-8:00. It's a really long day (especially when I wasn't aware that the campus we relocated to is only for nursing and has no cafeteria, meaning I didn't eat all day), but it's nice to only have classes one day a week. I also have NSLS stuff on Wednesdays though, and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I work, so I will still be busy. I just have this feeling that this semester is going to be super hard and stressful. It doesn't help that I have been totally unmotivated thus far. Thank goodness that we had off this week for MLK Day today, so I have an extra week to study for next week. I found this and it gave me some motivation ...

The only other thing major that happened other than school and work recently is that I bought a new car! Its a 2008 Honda Civic and I really love it. It took some getting used to at first but I'm already loving it, which is good considering I'm going to be paying it off for the next 5 years. This is not a picture of my exact car (I didn't take one yet) but this is my car. Same color, hubcaps, make, model, everything.

Hope everyone has a good Monday<3

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Car Accident Ever

So yesterday I got in a car accident. I went through a yellow light and the woman coming the opposite way into the intersection (who still had a red light at the time) went a little early and crashed into my car. I'm so happy and grateful that I am okay and don't have any injuries, but I'm so sad that they are most likely going to total my car ;( I just finished paying it off last year and it was such an amazing feeling to completely own it and not have a car payment anymore and now I'm going to have to have one again. There was so much life left in it as well, it just makes me so sad. But again, grateful that I as well as the other person are okay. I guess I should get ready to go car shopping.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Liebster Award

Thank you to Caitlin at Letters and Lattes :)

This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers...the award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post. 4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.

Random Facts
1. Singing is my one and only extracurricular talent in life.
2. I am addicted to Starbucks. I got $50.00 in gift cards for Christmas!
3. I absolutely cannot draw, but I have very nice handwriting and if I don't like the way I write something (if it is not perfect), I'll re-write it.
4. I honestly enjoy school, studying, taking tests, attending lectures, etc. 
5. Fall is my very favorite time of year, but I also enjoy spring and EARLY winter (above 30 degrees). 
6. One of my long-term dreams is to live in California someday. In the San Diego area. 
7. I love anything to do with musicals. Soundtracks, movies of musicals, Glee, Broadway, etc.
8. This Christmas was the best Christmas I've ever had in my life :)
9. My husband and I are taking my mom to New York City this summer for her first time ever!
10. I'll admit it .. If I don't get an A on a test I'm disappointed in myself. Major perfectionist problems.
11. I adore Christian music. Over the last 2 years it has become basically all I listen to.

Caitlin's questions:

1. What is one of your favorite items in your home?
This wall art that I got at Kohl's just a few weeks ago. We hung it above our bed. 

2. Favorite country song?
Hmm, oh my gosh I haven't listened to country in ages. Probably Two Black Cadillacs by Carrie Underwood.

3. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Tough one! I went to Arizona for the first time in May. That's the last thing I can think of!

4. What would you fight for?
Any of my family and my friends.

5. Who are the 5 people you hang out with the most?
My friends Marlys, Beth, and Stacey and also probably Donaldo and my mom if they count ;)

6. What are your long and short term goals?
Short term goals include: volunteering for HALO (a homeless shelter in my town), finishing my tasks for and be inducted into NSLS (my honor society) in April, graduate the PN program in May, pass my NCLEX exam in June, and have a job as an LPN by the end of the summer.

Long term goals include: graduating as an RN in 2014 (& in a perfect world be at least 6 mos. pregnant at graduation LOL), have kids immediately after, pass the NCLEX-RN, find a good job (in OB, most likely) that I love, buy a house, and eventually go back for my BSN and MSN to become a Nurse Practitioner someday.

7. Other than family, who is the biggest role model in your life?
My friend Beth. She is older than me and she is such an inspiration to me. She is the most caring person I've ever met in my life and she is a wonderful wife and mother. 

8. Are you living your life to the best of your ability or are you settling?
I get up everyday and I am so thankful for the gift of life. I thank God every day for another wonderful day on Earth, and I never take life for granted. I have high hopes and dreams and I won't settle for less :)

9. What are your travel dreams?
Oh goodness. Number one on my list is I want to go back to California so badly. I went there once when I was 16, but it was only for 5 days and I couldn't really do anything I was with my family. I want to see ALL of California, honestly. Other than that, I really want to go to Europe, mostly Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and maybe Italy. I'd also like to go to Alaska sometime. 

10. If money wasn't an issue, what would your dream job be?
I actually love nursing so I'd probably stick with the same career. I'd love to be a stay at home mom too, but oh my gosh I'd probably go crazy since I'm so used to working.

11. Favorite holiday
Thanksgiving! <3

I'm not really going to tag anyone because I only have 7 followers haha :)  But thanks Caitlin this was fun!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had a fabulous time celebrating the New Year. I cannot believe it is 2013! Time flies so quickly, I feel like 2012 went by exceptionally fast though. 2012 was a good year. I started clinicals and continued to excel in school under two of the most amazing teachers I've ever had. I went on so many vacations! Disney World with the fam in March, Arizona with my mom and my sister in May, and to Rhode Island in June, as well as a few weekend trips up to Appleton to see my favorite aunt and uncle. I strengthened most of my friendships but let go of one. I was reminded in countless numbers of ways how precious and fragile life is and how quickly it can be over and to continue to cherish every day I have in this world and with the people in it that I love the most.

Goals for 2013:

1. Volunteer at HALO
2. Spend as much time with my parents and grandparents as possible.
3. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week.
4. Pass the NCLEX-PN exam this summer. 
5. Graduate and get a job as an LPN by the end of the summer.
6. Pass every clinical class in 2013.