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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Loving life!

I haven't updated in awhile, mainly because I've been working a ton. This week I work my three 12's [Thursday, Friday, Saturday]. I also had to go to work yesterday and today for a meeting, to do education, and a class for neonatal resuscitation. I also had tutoring yesterday afternoon, and I have tutoring Sunday afternoon after I wake up from sleeping during the day. Someone also asked me to take their shift on days next Monday. Sure, why not?

I love love love my job. I don't mind being there at all and I love both what I'm doing and the people I work with. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such and overachiever by nature though. I applied for our Nurse Residency Program, which is an 8 month program that helps new nurses transition into their role. I will have to do a Quality Improvement project at some point for it. I had to choose a mentor and work with them on developing a PDP (Professional Development Plan) of goals that I want to accomplish in the next 8 months. I chose one of our RNs, Kristal, to be my mentor. She just became our Nurse Educator after working as a floor LDRP nurse for I think around 10 years. She is AMAZING and she has helped me SO MUCH and it always willing to answer any questions that I have. I know that she is going to help me become such a great nurse.

My schedule is so super crazy though between my two jobs, the education/drills at work we've had recently, and random appointments that just had to come up around this time. I even had to put my schedule in my phone, which I've never had to do before. Luckily after this week I think it slows down a little. I just love my job so much and I'm so blessed to be doing something I love! 

Another life update soon including my birthday & pictures!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Time's flying by, moving so fast ...

Time is flying by SO FAST. It never ceases to amaze me. I wait all year for fall, and then it is over in the blink of an eye. I haven't blogged in awhile, I've been so busy! I plan to do some blog posts about my trip to NYC soon, but for now just a short post on what I have been up to recently.

Last Saturday my grandpa got to go on the Honor Flight, which is where Veterans of WWII and the Korean War are flown to Washington D.C. for the day. They get to visit all of the monuments, memorials, and Arlington National Cemetery. When they come home, their family and friends all come together to meet them at the airport when they get off of the plane to show their love and support. My entire family and extended family went and it was the most amazing thing. You can tell how much it means to them and it was very emotional for everyone. It was a great night and I am so happy that my Papa, who turned 84 years old today, got to go on it. 

My best friend Tessa and I went apple picking last week at an orchard nearby. I had just gotten my new phone and was afraid to drop it, so I only snapped a few pictures. We got a lot of apples though and they were DELICIOUS! We also went on a wagon ride around the orchard and bought yummy bakery treats. It was kind of a cool overcast day, but it was so much fun!

We took my mom out to dinner and out for her birthday a couple days late. It was fun!

I just started with my first night shift this past Tuesday. It wasn't bad, however, having to plan time out of your day to sleep is sort of annoying and I really don't like sleeping during the day, but oh well, what can you do? I am so loving being back at my hospital though, I missed everyone so much! Between work and tutoring usually 2 times a week, I'm crazy busy!! For the times I have to stay up all night the night before I work (because I sleep during the day before I go in) I have been binge watching two new shows on Netflix that I started but never kept up with .. Revolution and Reign. They're both awesome!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Five On Friday

I'm back for my first Five on Friday in a long time!! 

One. I met Idina Menzel a week ago today!!
Actually I guess it was a week ago yesterday -- but who cares? I CANNOT BELIEVE IT STILL. I've seriously loved Idina for throughout her entire career on Broadway and NEVER thought I would get a chance to meet her! It was a dream come true and I'm so grateful that she is so awesome to her fans and came out and signed for us and met us! There was at least like 150 people outside so she wasn't allowed to pose for photos with anyone but I got lots of pictures of her signing and I got to talk to her while she signed my Playbill and If/Then program. More about this when I blog about my trip to NYC but really I'm so thankful that I met this amazing star!! 

Two. Almost time to go back to AMCK.
I have been training for the past 3 weeks at a hospital in another city that offers more high risk L&D type situations than we see at my hospital. It has been a wonderful experience and I have learned so much but I cannot wait to go back to my floor and my co-workers -- I miss them so much!! 4 more shifts out of town and then I go back home :) Also, I was accepted into the Nurse Residency Program at my hospital -- it's a program to help new RN's in their transition into their role. It sounded like a great learning opportunity so I applied. I am also loving this shirt ^^ ordered it for myself in black and purple.

Three. Fun times.
I had lunch today with my best friend Tessa and one of our nursing instructors who we are now friends with and it was awesome. I am so happy that Tessa and I have remained close and still see each other at least weekly even though nursing school is over. All of the other friends I made in school just kind of went their separate ways. I have many super close friends that live far away and this is the first time in forever I've had a best friend that's lived in my town. I am so grateful for her! I'm also grateful that I still get to see my former instructors whom I now have a friendship with through tutoring and also seeing them outside of school. I always knew when I left school I wouldn't lose touch with them and I am so happy that we've kept in touch and see each other.

Four. It's that time again!!
The World Artistic Gymnastic Championships will be this week and next week in Nanning, China! This has been a very exciting 2014 season and I am so excited to see how the conclusion to it will play out, as well as see my international favorites who I don't get to see much of all year. I'll spare everyone the details, but if you're interested you can go HERE and read about it on my gymnastics blog!

Five. Something in the Water
Can we say OBSESSED?!?!? Let me just say I think this is Carrie's best song ever. Don't get me wrong I love her, but sometimes (especially when she's singing live), I just don't feel or see the connection between her and what she is singing about. Don't hate -- just my opinion, I still think she has an amazing voice. But I feel like in this song I hear SO MUCH PASSION from her about what she is singing about. You can tell that God and her faith mean so much to her. I personally think she should put out a Christian album after hearing this.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's October!!

Happy October!!

October is my very very favorite month of the whole year (with September being a close second). Obviously mainly because of Fall, but also because my birthday is in October!! 

Most of that is pretty dead on when it comes to me. Anyway, I have tons of other fun things planned for this October already!! First off, I got the best email today -- I have been training at a hospital in a different city. I've learned SO much but I miss my hospital, unit, and co-workers. I found out today I get to go back October 14th, and I will be off RN orientation the week after! I'm super nervous but so excited to be on my own and to actually count towards our labor hours as a nurse LOL. 

Also, my best friend Tessa and I have so many fun things planned for us and our hubbys! We're going to go to a corn maze (my first!!), Fright Fest at Six Flags, Holy Hill, and the pumpkin farm together! I cannot wait everything is going to be so much fun!! 

And lets not forget Worlds coming up the next two weeks -- obsession city. Driving to work at 3am to sit in the parking garage to watch coverage on my phone for prelims and team final? YEP.

Everyone have a great first day of October.
As soon as I get pictures uploaded from my NYC trip I will be doing posts about it!