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Monday, September 24, 2012

Hello Monday V.2

Hello Monday ... this week I'm sorry to say I am not happy to see you.

Hello first exam of the semester ... please, oh please be kind to me. I'm so nervous for some reason.

Hello beautiful Fall ... I'm so overjoyed that you are here, but man is it getting cold fast!

Hello special people that make me SO happy ... I love you so much. Thank you for the little things!

Hello wonderful new planner ... I love everything about you! So worth the money.

Hello Packers ... pretty please beat Seattle tonight! 

Hello October 23rd ... please come quickly, my schedule will be so much less hectic.

Hello car ... I don't like that my check engine light is on and you are shaking. STOP. NOW!

Hello deep tissue massage ... I have a gift certificate and I cannot wait to use it. Best thing ever.

Have a great Monday everyone<3

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!! My last day of classes for the week and 2 days away from the weekend, yay!

Today I'm loving ...

The leaves are starting to change!! & it's been beautiful Fall weather here all week so far with no rain :)

Loving the first moments of Glee Season 4!! Can't deal with the Kate/Lea scenes together, it's really too much for me!! 

Lea Michele is recording an album!!! FINALLY, about time! This girl is seriously the most amazing singer in the world, and not only that, she is a STAR<3

21 days until I go to the Kellogg's tour and meet my amazing gymnastics girls<3 

Loving being back in a choir. It's the best thing in the whole entire world. 

Yesterday, my teacher gave me the best compliment. She said she "loves my positive attitude." :)

Also, my EC planner should be arriving tomorrow!! So excited! Have a good rest of the week everyone!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First Two Weeks ..

My first two weeks of classes went great. This semester I'm taking Health Promotions and Clinical Care Across the Lifespan. For clinical, we are at a hospital on the OB unit. Our first day there was supposed to be tomorrow, however, they just switched to a new computer charting system this week and have asked that we give them another day or two to get it down so our first day there won't be until next Tuesday.

My teacher (I have the same teacher for both classes) is amazing. She is fun, funny, energetic, and super nice. But here's the best part ... she looks like a 40 year old version of Shawn Johnson. Like NO LIE. I honestly could hardly look her in the eyes the first day because it was so scary how much she looks like her. Her hair isn't the same color but her FACE like is a mirror image. It's CRAZY. I'll tell her eventually that I think she looks like her. But anyway, she's better than 3 of the 4 instructors I had last semester and I guess her and Beth, the teacher I loooved last semester are like really good friends, which is so cute.

Tomorrow I have an SNA meeting and choir rehearsal and then Thursday I meet with NSLS. Work has been going pretty well, but oh my gosh I need more hours! I'm seriously going to be broke. Hope everyone's semesters are going well!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fall 2012 Bucket List

My most favorite time of the year is here again! Fall has always been my favorite season, ever since I was little and I loved it because my of my birthday being in October. Today there are so many more things that I just LOVE about it. First off, I'm not big on heat, so I absolutely adore the weather fall brings. I love the smell of the crisp air, the chilly mornings and nights but the sunny days that still seem mild. The changing of the leaves is just gorgeous, I honestly can never appreciate it enough. I love back to school time, and just the feeling of excitement I get buying school supplies and my books. I don't know what I'll do when I graduate and don't have back to school time anymore. Another huge reason I love fall is football season beginning! It is the best time of the year and my most favorite sport other than gymnastics. NFL Sundays are just the most wonderful days. I also love being outside and doing all of the fall activities. Here are some things that are on my Fall bucket list. The first half of my semester (until 10/26) is just going to be JAM PACKED with school obligations, but I refuse to let it stop me from enjoying my favorite season!

Have a fall photo shoot with Donaldo.

This is Holy Hill. The last two years Donaldo and I have gone there and spent a few hours hiking and just enjoying the beautiful scenery. It is such an amazing place, I love it there and can't wait to go back.

Right near Holy Hill there is a road side stand that we buy apples and apple cider from. This year I might buy seriously 3 gallons. I love love love cold apple cider, but it has to be the real stuff, not that stuff that they sell in the grocery store. Oh my gosh it is so YUM.

Usually on the same day we go to Holy Hill, we go to the pumpkin farm to get our pumpkins :)

Carve pumpkins. My mom got Donaldo this pumpkin carving kit so hopefully we'll have really good ones this year!

This year I really really want to make homemade caramel apples!! 

I would also love to go pick apples ourselves, but I don't think we will have enough time. I'm so excited for the most beautiful time of the year, it just makes me so so happy and excited! Hope everyone is having an awesome week!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pins of the Week

I looove Pinterest. It's seriously addicting and so much fun! It's so crazy because some days I'll go on and browse and find like maybe just one or two that I like and some days I'll find tons! I don't know why but for some reason I have like over 2,000 followers .. no idea. I know probably like 20 of them? Anyway, I decided to some weeks make a post on my favorite pins of the week. Classes start tomorrow, so I'm not sure how many more of these I'll do but something fun, at least for the moment.

My fabulous girls at the VMA awards on the red carpet.
I cannot believe that I'm meeting them in like a MONTH!

My favorite new promo shot of Season 2<3

I miss this city!! Can't wait to go back next summer!

This is so gorgeous. I love the stairs and FALL, obviously. My favorite, I'm so happy it's here :)

This is seriously one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen!

This will be my future daughters first room. I can't with the purple and the cute design, its PERF!

I have the most amazing husband in the world and we just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary!


Everyone have a great week! I start classes tomorrow and am now joining my church's choir which meets every Wednesday night and we sing at one mass each Sunday, so my schedule continues to grow. I'm going to be so busy, but this is something that I've been wanting to get involved with for a long time, so I'll find a way to make it work.

I just ordered a new planner which I'm sure will help me organize everything. I already keep my regular planner strictly organized down to every detail of my day, but these planners are amazing! Mine's going to look like this but obviously have my name on it :) 

Fall 2012 Schedule

Monday - Class 8:10-12:10; Lab 12:30-2:30
Tuesday - Class 7-3; NSLS every other week 5:45-7:00
Wednesday - Class 7-3; Choir rehearsal 7:00-8:30
Thursday - NSLS every other week 7:00-8:00
Friday - work 10am-11pm
Saturday - work 10am-11pm
Sunday - Sing at mass

Luckily I still have my VCR/DVD player combo so I can record all of my shows. :) Everyone have a wonderful week!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Goodbye, Summer 2012!

Wow, this summer literally flew. I cannot believe I had 4 whole months off! I had a wonderful summer, and I wouldn't have wanted anything more or less. I got to go on so many vacations (Phoenix, Rhode Island, and to Appleton for weekend trips twice), spend time with my husband and family, see so much gymnastics and see my girls win the gold, relax just enough, and of course work and make some money. At the beginning of summer I made a list of things I wanted to do:

- Have a Harry Potter marathon with my friend Laura
- Read for a whole entire day one day and do nothing else
- Deep clean my house
- Go to Six Flags at least once -- Didn't get to do it but maybe for Fright Fest!!!
- Sleep past noon on one or more days
- Start exercising at least 4 days a week
- Organize all my Nursing papers from 1st semester
- Visit my dad once a week -- Our schedules simply just don't allow for it.
- Visit my mom once a week
- Go to the movies a few times -- Didn't go even once haha. I do want to see Ted though.
- Get together with Melissa and Amy
- Organize and save all my nursing stuff from 1st semester
- Organize my study
- Watch every major gymnastics competition since 1992 (Worlds, Nationals, Olympics) on YouTube
- Unpack and organize all of my books and make lists on which new ones I want to buy
- Get to over 2,500 pins on Pinterest -- I did get to 2,175 though! :) 
- Update my blog and LJ at LEAST weekly  (between both my personal and gymnastics blogs almost)
- Catch up on Glee (which means watch all of Season 3 online)
- Catch up on Revenge
- Watch Season 1 of Smash
- Rewatch all 5 seasons of Friday Night Lights

I definitely am satisfied with how much I got done!! I also joined the Student Nurses Association and am working toward being inducted into the National Society of Leadership and Success.

I just went to my first meeting on Tuesday and I'm seriously so inspired by this Society and I'm so excited to get started on everything. I also volunteered to be a part of the Executive Board. My team and I are going for the National Excellence Award, which basically means that we are doing double the work required just to be inducted, but I know that once I get to induction night I'm going to be so proud of myself and I'm so happy about the opportunities that this is going to give me.

I start classes on Monday. I have class Monday and then I will be at a hospital working in OB Tuesday and Wednesday from 7-3. I have NSLS on Tuesdays and SNA on Wednesdays. Today I started doing work that we needed to have done before our classes begin next week and my goodness, I literally worked on it ALLLL day. I'm really excited for the semester to start and have a great one!! Aiming for a 4.0, I know that I can do it!

I'm really sick of summer weather and running my AC and fans, and I want Fall SO BADLY right now. There's leaves falling off the trees here already and its like 78 degrees, that is just not right!! LOL.  Everyone have a great weekend :)