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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy First Day of Fall!

Happy First Day of Fall!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year and I'm so happy it is here! Yesterday we pulled out all our fall decorations and decorated the house, it looks and smells so amazing! I have lots of fun stuff planned for this fall including going to my first corn maze in my town, going to the pumpkin farm, our annual trip to Holy Hill, and going to Fright Fest at Six Flags Great America! Also this year my best friend Tessa and her hubby are joining us for everything so I think it will be so much fun!! 

There isn't a more beautiful time of the year and I can't wait to enjoy it!
Have a wonderful day everyone :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekend Recap: First Barn Wedding

This weekend my cousin Ashley got married.  She is the last of 5 children in her family to get married, which is all of my cousins that we were closest to growing up. She got married on a farm and the ceremony and reception were in two different barns. It was a beautiful day and the scenery was just gorgeous! I loved the decorations too :)

I had a ton of fun celebrating with our family!! I wish her and her husband a lifetime of happiness!

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Just because I'm obsessed ...

If you don't watch ABC's Once Upon A Time, I honestly, literally feel sorry for you. It's my favorite favorite show on the air right now, and is probably my 2nd favorite show of all time. The Season 4 premiere is now less than two weeks away and I have been watching the first 3 seasons again just to get my mind on track with where we are at come the premiere. Also, I was thinking of all of the things about season 4 that I'm most excited for, and decided to make a Top 5 list (in no particular order).

1. The Frozen storyline ...
When Elsa hit Storybrooke for a millisecond at the end of the season 3 finale, I'm pretty sure that I screamed ... or at least squealed. This show can definitely pull off the Frozen storyline and make it real and believable. I actually am completely loving that we know NOTHING about Elsa and Anna and what will happen with them. Eddie and Adam have done a fabulous job keeping up the suspense over the summer. Looking forward to my favorite show incorporating my favorite Disney flick into this season.

2. More Regina and Henry scenes ...
Because they are LITERALLY JUST PERFECTION ON EARTH!!!! No relationship on any show I have ever watched has gotten me as emotional as the Regina/Henry relationship and I think that is because it is such a UNIQUE relationship -- one I've not seen much, if any of, on television. The adoptive mother who is really the evil queen but really not evil and loves her son with all her heart isn't something you really see everyday. Obviously it helps that Lana and Jared are so close in real life as well. I love love when they tweet each other ... I just really melt. 


3. Elizabeth Mitchell's "mysterious" role ...
And how about the fact that she's going to be on the show in general?!??! As if the cast wasn't incredible enough!! Elizabeth has been one of my very favorite actress since she played Juliet in LOST. Lucky for me that ABC loves to re-cast people from previous shows, and I get to see her again!!! Nothing is being said about her role except that she may be villainous. I'm thinking that Regina will probably be more "good" than evil on this season because if Liz is a villain that makes two because Maleficent is supposed to be returning as well. I CANT WAIT to see her and if she and Lana have a scene together --- you might have to pick me up off the floor. JUST TOO MUCH.

4. Speaking of Lana Parrilla ...
Very excited to see what happens with Regina/the Evil Queen this season with the Frozen component (Anna, Elsa) and also the rumored Snow Queen and Maleficent coming into play. I really really hope that she stays on the "good" team with Emma, the Charmings, Henry, and everyone else in Storybrooke. I think that she will be, I'm hoping. Regardless, Lana Parrilla is the most amazing actress on this show and I cannot wait to see what is in store for her characters this season. So excited that she got my letter over the summer and sent me back a signed photo :)

5. The Charmings and baby Neal
I love that they named him Neal and I can't see what happens with them on this season!!

I can't even wait 2 more weeks!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blogtember: September 11th

Brave Love Blog

September 11th: How do you stay inspired?
 Who inspires you the most?

Oh my goshh, I can tell this is going to be my most favorite topic of Blogtember. The word INSPIRATION itself is my most favorite word in the entire English language. I have a tattoo of Chinese symbols for the word on my right ankle. The tattoo took me 3 years to finally decide to get, and I decided to finally do it because the word means so much to me.

Also, when I was going through the process to be inducted into the National Society of Leadership and Success at my college, I had a speaker who spoke about mentors: how some people naturally look to find a mentor and be a mentor continuously. I am definitely one of those people. I look to people in every avenue of my life that I want to emulate and be like. I have done this since a young age, but more so as I have grown up and entered the workforce and college/nursing school.

This said, I have MANY mentors, many of whom are also family and close friends. Here are just some of the people who inspire me daily. I am so very grateful for them, and I would not be where I am without their inspiration and guidance everyday.

My mom and Nana
My mother and my grandmother are two of the strongest women I have ever known. They are so family oriented and would do anything for their children and grandchildren. They have taught me everything I know about faith, family, and being a good person. I am eternally grateful for them and for being able to have a stable, happy childhood and being taught manners, respect, honesty, decency, and other life lessons at a young age. They are truly my heroes and everything I want to be for my own children someday.

My former nursing instructors
I have NO WORDS to describe how incredible these women are and how much they have changed my life. Everything that I learned to make me into the nurse I am today came from them, and I am forever grateful that I had the privilege to be in their classrooms throughout my nursing school journey. These women are now my friends and I work with them tutoring for their classes and I see the other side of their jobs now and can appreciate even more what they put into their jobs on a daily basis.

My co-workers
I work with some of the most amazing RNs in the entire world and I am so lucky to be learning from such wonderful people. From the day I set foot onto my unit, they have been open and welcoming to me, have never made me feel less than they are because I'm new, and have been nothing but helpful to me these last 6 months. I have made some great friendships that I know will only grow throughout my career. I will never forget how amazing they have been to me and will pass the example on to other new nurses that come to our unit in the future.

Elise Ray and Tasha Schwikert

Elise and Tasha are my two most favorite gymnasts in the whole world. They have inspired me in so many ways, mainly reminding me everyday to work for your dreams and that hard work pays off. They  were a part of one of the least successful WAG teams in the last 20 years but I love them and that team more than any other because they overcame so many obstacles, injuries, and bad situations and still came home with a team medal. Then Tasha and Elise and the rest of the team went to college and had wonderful collegiate careers. Elise and Tasha have both interacted with me via email, Twitter, and Facebook. I have made them both birthday gifts in the last year and they both loved them and Elise even sent me a thank you card! I would love SO much to meet them someday!! They mean so much to me.

I am so grateful for all of these amazing people and their presence and inspiration in my life!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blogtember -- September 10th

Brave Love Blog

September 10th: List 10 things you love about yourself.

1. I love that I have a positive attitude about life 99% of the time. I get negative thoughts just like everyone else, but I try and not dwell on negativity and stay positive about any situation. Having someone tell you that you are so positive is one of the best compliments I've ever gotten.

2. I love that I have a relationship with God and that I was taught about the importance of that relationship and prayer at an early age. 

3. I love that I have a strong desire to help people.

4. I love that I do for others without expecting anything in return.

5. I love being able to do little things for people to brighten up their day. Sometimes the little things mean the most.

6. I love my love for learning. I don't care how comfortable I get in my job someday, I will ALWAYS want to keep learning anything I can.

7. I love my eyebrows, fingernails, and toenails right now because I just got them done on Friday :)

8. I love that I am able to accept constructive criticism and not take it to heart.

9. I love that I am emotional person. I write a book in cards and I will always let people know how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate them.

10. I love that I am unique and there is no one else like me!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blogtember -- September 8th and 9th

Brave Love Blog

September 8th: Music that moves you. Favorite artists/stations.

I really enjoy lots of different types of music. However, my favorite music is definitely a tie between Christian music and Broadway soundtracks and singers.

My favorite Christian artists include Tobymac, Chris Tomlin, Chris August, Newsboys, Mandisa, Brandon Heath, Casting Crowns, and Matthew West. My favorite radio station is K-LOVE.

My favorite Broadway soundtracks include Wicked, RENT, If/Then, Mamma Mia, Legally Blonde, Spring Awakening, Cinderella, Bring it On, Annie, and Phantom. In addition, I adore every single Glee cast album, I own them all. I also am obsessed with Idina Menzel and Lea Michele, who are such superstars in their own right now but began on the Broadway stage.

I also enjoy mainstream pop music and some country.

September 9th: Let's talk personality types.

I took the personality quiz on the Brave Love page and these were my results.


I am ISFJ, which stands for Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging. Last year when I took this I got INFJ, and while I think that there were a few aspects of that type that suited me, I felt that ISFJ was definitely way more accurate. Below are some of the similarities I found in myself.

ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed." In extreme cases, this need is so strong that standard give-and-take relationships are deeply unsatisfying to them; however, most ISFJs find more than enough with which to occupy themselves within the framework of a normal life.  -- The first sentence referring to the "need to be needed" is often why people say nurses decide to become nurses. The second part is also very true -- I need to form close, deep relationships with people to feel satisfied.

ISFJs are often unappreciated, at work, home, and play. Ironically, because they prove over and over that they can be relied on for their loyalty and unstinting, high-quality work, those around them often take them for granted--even take advantage of them ... although they're hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments. -- Hello, my entire career at Olive Garden basically.

In the workplace, ISFJs are methodical and accurate workers, often with very good memories and unexpected analytic abilities; they are also good with people in small-group or one-on-one situations because of their patient and genuinely sympathetic approach to dealing with others. ISFJs make pleasant and reliable co-workers and exemplary employees, but tend to be harried and uncomfortable in supervisory roles. -- I have an amazing memory but I would never ever want a supervisor position.

Traditional careers for an ISFJ include: teaching, social work, most religious work, nursing, medicine (general practice only), clerical and and secretarial work of any kind, and some kinds of administrative careers.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Social: The 5s

This week's questions:

1. 5 things you want us to know about you:
  • I am so grateful to God everyday that I wake up for all of the blessings in my life. Life itself is such an amazing gift and to have the incredible family, friends, education, job, and life that I do humbles me everyday. 
  • Singing is my passion and has been since I sang my first song when I was 2 years old. I can't even explain how I feel when I sing, it's honestly just like my happiness. I love anything to do with music, especially musicals and actresses like Idina Menzel and Lea Michele who are now superstars but have their roots in Broadway.
  • I have accomplished so many of my major goals and dreams in the year 2014. I am hoping to accomplish two more in 2015 -- to become both a homeowner and a mother. 
  • I am obsessed with USA Women's Artistic Gymnastics. I used to do gymnastics until I was 9 years old (my parents thought it was too expensive), and I've always wished I could've stayed with it. I follow it everyday of the year and I am lucky enough to be able to attend meets when they are near me. I have met a very good friend through the gymternet and we are going to Nationals together next year and have the best conversations about gymnastics everyday. It's awesome having someone who understands your obsession.
  • I have so many amazingly inspirational women in my life who I have been able to look up to. From gymnasts, to teachers who became mentors and friends, to my incredible mother, I'm so blessed to know each and every one of them.
2. 5 favorite things about blogging:
  • I love being able to journal about my life and am happy that I will have this to look back on as I grow older.
  • I love reading about other people's lives, especially friends that live far away. It makes it easier to keep up with what is going on in people's lives.
  • Doing posts about things that I love (i.e. fall) makes me even more excited for the things to happen.
  • I love link ups that give me ideas for subjects of blog posts. I'm not the most creative person in the world, so the ideas really help me think of subjects for posts.
  • I have met so many nice people through Blogger and I love keeping up with their pages.
3. 5 things you are doing before the year is over:
  • Going to New York City with 3 of my friends at the end of September to celebrate our graduations from nursing school.
  • Going to a Packer game with my family in October. It will be my dad and stepmom's first game and it's going to be SO much fun.
  • Freaking out with the gymternet in October for the entire week of World Championships. 
  • Getting off RN orientation (late October/early November) and beginning to work on my own, which I'm very nervous about but also excited about.
4. 5 favorite fall fashion staples:
  • Leggings
  • Sweaters
  • Jeans
  • Hoodies
  • Boots
5. 5 favorite beauty products:
  • EOS lip balm
  • Maybelline Unstoppable Eyeliner
  • Urban Decay Naked 3 palette
  • Maybelline Volume Express - The Falsies Mascara
  • Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner

See you next Sunday loves!

Blogtember September 6th and 7th

Brave Love Blog

September 6th -- A "currently" post ...

... reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

... watching re-watching Season 2 of Once Upon a Time. Hoping to get through re-watching all three seasons before it returns on September 28th. FAVORITE SHOW EVER.

... trying to not be continuously irritated that I don't know my work schedule for next week.

... eating nothing at the moment, but just had some fruit snacks lol.

... drinking Starbucks iced tea and my PKU supplement (not together).

... loving the transitioning to fall weather that is going on. I can't wait for fall I adore it so much!

... enjoying beginning tutoring again and tutoring for classes that my former teachers/inspirations (now my friends) teach. Love them! Also that I get to share one of the classes with my best friend.

... thinking everyday about how blessed I am with everything in life and how it's not possible to explain how grateful and thankful I am for all of God's blessings in my life.

... listening to K-Love or my Christian playlist! Happy Sunday!

... praying so hard for a girl I know from grade school. Her 2 year old daughter has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. I pray for strength for her and her family in this difficult time and for God to grant this little girl healing.

... living life to the fullest and everyday like it's my last.

September 7th

What is currently on your reading list? 

See my post HERE!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Blogtember 2014 -- September 5th

Just found out that there is a Blogtember going on this year again at Brave Love and I really want to join in!! It's already September 5th so I think rather than trying to catch up on days 1-4 I will just start with today's blog subject and continue on from there! Hope some of you will join me in this challenge!
Brave Love Blog

"I am passionate about __________." 

My faith is one of the most important things in the world to me including God and Jesus.

I try and always remember to thank God for His wonderful and gracious blessings in my life everyday. I am so blessed and can never thank Him enough for all He has given to me in this beautiful life.

Singing and music
Singing has been my passion and talent since I was a young child. I couldn't love anything more and the feeling that I get when I sing is just indescribable. 

I tutor for nursing students currently and I just love being able to share my knowledge with them and watch them overcome struggles to succeed. I know that I will be a nursing instructor some day.

I love my career and I especially love being a care taker and helping people. I love being a patient advocate and forming relationships and rapport with the people I take care of. To know that you are changing lives is an incredible feeling.

I try and always look at the bright side of things and get rid of any negativity. I also try and project that to others as much as I can and include them in my positive thinking. I love being an optimist!

I am a firm believer in people making (or breaking) their own happiness. Happiness is not about anyone else but you, and if you want it it's there for you. You just have to be willing to go for it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Resurrecting Reading

So since I hit clinicals in the spring of 2012, I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to have time for things like recreational reading. I have always been an avid reader -- from the times when we'd go the the library in the summer as children and I'd check out 10-15 books and read them all in a week. Yes, I had Spring Breaks, Christmas break, and summers, but it still wasn't the same as having total free time. I was always working, on vacation, or catching up on things I didn't have time for.

I can already feel myself starting to be the same way since I've started working full time. I come home wiped out on the days I work and just veg out in front of the TV. On days I'm off I will catch up on the gymnastics happenings, social media, errands, and things of that nature. I have decided that I am going to force myself to get back into reading, because there is no excuse! I also have so so many books that I have bought or have that I want to read/re-read. 

My goal is to read at least 30 minutes on days that I work and 1 hour on days that I don't work. I want to start out with realistic goals -- I work 12 hour days, so 30 minutes is a fair goal I think for those days.

Here is a list of books that I want to read:

1. Chronicles of Narnia
2. Re-read Harry Potter series
3. The Book Thief
4. Sookie Stackhouse novels (the ones I haven't read)
5. Re-read VC Andrews Dollanganger Series
6. Finish the Crossfire Series
7. The Divergent trilogy

I will keep you all updated on my progress, maybe I will do book review posts.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fall TV Preview 2014

One of my favorite things about September is all of my favorite shows coming back onto TV and having their season premieres. It doesn't feel like I have as many this year -- Glee premieres in the spring and The Bachelor doesn't come back until January, so that might be why. Regardless, I still have some amazing shows that I'm super excited to start tuning into regularly again!


Once Upon a Time 8/7C
Premieres Sunday, September 28th ABC
I can't believe that I just started watching this show a year ago! I started and finished watching S1&2 in the two weeks before school began last fall. This show is by far my absolute favorite show on right now, and as if there weren't enough reasons to love it before -- they are now incorporating Frozen into it AND one of my favorite actresses Elizabeth Mitchell will be joining the already INCREDIBLE cast! I'm so excited I honestly can't even! & let me just say if Elizabeth and Lana [Parrilla] have a scene together, I may just die. I got my mom into the show just a few weeks ago and we are in the middle of S2 right now, hoping to get through S3 by the time the premiere happens on the 28th! SO EXCITED!!

Resurrection 9/8C
Premieres Sunday, September 28th ABC
This show just started on ABC in the Spring. There were actually only 8 episodes that were aired before the season finale, however, this is a great show! It sort of reminds me of V, although not as alien centered. I thought when I saw the previews that I wouldn't like it but I was definitely proven wrong. I really hope that it gets a full 22 episode season ordered this year!

Revenge 10/9C
Premieres Sunday, September 28th ABC
Couldn't find S4 promos for this show, boo. Anyway though, anyone who has read my blog knows the main reason I started watching this show back when it premiered in 2011 is because I've been a fan of Emily VanCamp's since 2002 when my favorite show of all time, Everwood, premiered. I love how different this role is for her and that she has totally embraced it and made her character so believable. The rest of the cast is wonderful as well. Midway through the seasons I always wonder how they are going to tie up the ends and keep the series going, but they always seem to do it somehow. Kudos to the writers, because I never thought that it could have lasted this long. 

*Note: Sunday night TV is by far the best of the whole entire week! Love that all of these shows are on all in a row, and even on the same network! ABC is awesome :)


Dancing with the Stars 8/7C
Premieres Monday, September 15th ABC
Cast isn't announced yet, but I'm hoping for Andi Dorfman will be included in it!

Scorpion 9/8C
Premieres Monday, September 22nd CBS
This show is new this fall and I don't know much about it, but YES ... that is KATHARINE MCPHEE, so I will be watching it of course!

Gotham 8/7C
Premieres Monday, September 22nd FOX
This is another new show that I read about a little bit online. I watched some of the teaser previews, and it looks really good so I thought I would try it out. Also, you can never go wrong with anything Ben McKenzie. 


Survivor 8/7C
Premieres Wednesday, September 24th CBS
This will be my 10th year watching Survivor, and the 29th season of the show. That seriously just amazes me. I hope they keep going though, because it is one of the only reality "game" shows that I still watch. The list for the cast of this season is up, however, they are sure to bring back old players that they're not announcing yet, which is always very exciting. I'm personally hoping for Spencer from last season, or someone else that I'm a fan of. It always sucks when they bring back someone you hate!


The Biggest Loser: Glory Days 8/7C
Premieres Thursday, September 11th NBC
I'm very hesitant to keep watching this show after everything that went down last season with Rachel and the finale and now Jillian Michaels leaving the show again. I was very disappointed with the unhealthy result of the finale last season and I'm also disappointed that they brought in new trainers again, because that never works. They should have just stuck with Bob and Dolvett. I will have to see how it goes -- this will probably be my last season watching :( Also hate that its only 1 hour again.

Parenthood 10/9C
Premieres Thursday, September 25th NBC
Glad that this show is getting another season, but I will be truly sad to see it go. I love everything about this show, especially the cast and I will definitely miss it when it is gone. I'm glad I have the DVDs so that I can add it to the list of cancelled shows that I continue to watch forever and ever.

What shows are on your must watch list for this fall?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fall Is Upon Us ...

Happy September everyone!!

September and October are hands down my favorite months of the year for many different reasons. First off, they are the months of FALL, which is the most wonderful time of the whole year, in my opinion. This is also back to school time, football season begins, my anniversary month (September), and my birthday month (October). I will be doing several fall themed blog posts for my page coming soon including my fall bucket list and my fall TV preview (which I'm always super excited about.)

I kicked off the season a little early on Friday by making a trip to Bath and Body Works to pick up a bunch of their fall scents. They had a pumpkin pail for $25 that included 3 fall scented candles, and my favorite scent (Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin) shower gel, body lotion, spray, and hand soap. I also got more scents for my Wallflowers plug in! So so excited!

Hope everyone enjoys the first day of this wonderful month and stay tuned for my coming posts!